
one thing my brain fails to cope with is the amount of available time i have now. finishing a task takes significally less time, but my mind tells me that i'm done so stop working. because of this i keep starting new projects but none of them have any major features

so for my first full project i'll be making a ui component library (really it's just a wrapper). once this is done i'll be able to make as many incomplete projects as i want, except much faster. downside is that i absolutely suck at frontend and design, but that's something i'll improve while working on this


it's going to be released pretty early with the bare minimum though so i can just get something out. i also have higher priority projects (ai waifus) i want to work on but this one is easier so it's higher on the list to finish

the procrastination is real though

edit: coming back to this post because it's been three days since i wrote this and i can't stop myself from working on something else. send help pls